Last Updated on November 8, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
NYC parking ticket knowledge is power
And power means beating an unjust parking ticket and paying significantly less money to the revenue-raising Evil Empire. Here is some stuff the warriors don’t want you to know:
1. Am I required to obey regulations squished into parking meters?
C’mon man. I’ve just finished walking an entire city block to check for parking signs that regulate my space, and you want me to pay attention to a piece of paper stuck inside the dome of a parking meter? YES [See 4-08 (a)(6)]
2. In the game of parking ticket “rock-paper-scissors” do temporary signs beat permanently installed signs?
YES! You are required to obey paper or temporary signs, as long as the signs are posted by authorized law enforcement agencies. These signs supersede all existing posted rules for the days and time specified on the paper or temporary signs. [See 4-08 (a)(6)]
3. I paid my ticket, but I’m still getting notices from the Evil Empire that the parking ticket is unpaid.
Do not pay the same parking ticket twice. Take your evidence to any Business Center, or send a letter of explanation, along with your proof of payment to the address below. Submit copies, not originals, including the front and back of your canceled check, canceled money order stub, your payment receipt, disposition slip, hearing decision, or stamped printout. Send them to:
[alert type=”info” icon-size=”hide-icon”]New York City Department of Finance
Property and Parking Refunds Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10038[/alert]
4. My car got an NYC ticket and was towed.
I beat the ticket. Will I get my tow charges back? How long do I have to wait to get my tow refund?
The spoils of parking wars include a tow refund
But, you are required to apply for a refund of your tow charges. These funds will not automatically be sent to you by the NYC DOF. Here’s a link to the Tow Refund form you must complete
5. I parked my car in a legal parking space and walked into work. When I returned to my car, I was greeted by a new parking sign and an evil orange epistle under my wiper. Do I have any recourse?
Parking ticket warriors don’t want you to know that you can beat and NYC parking ticket issued within 5 days of the installation of a new parking sign
You are required to prove the installation date of the new sign (make a FOiL request for the installation date)
When you know the rules, you are a worthy adversary of the parking ticket warriors. Remember…When you’re right-FIGHT; and please never, ever pay an NYC parking ticket “No questions asked.”
We all make mistakes, but are you making these 5-common mistakes in Parking Ticket Land?
I have received a notice from this office advising me that i will receive a refund for an over payment was told to call pvo help line 311 what is that actual number I thought 31- was the help line evidently it is not
Please help me thanks,
Sheila G Small. scg514@aol. com. Or send to me at 151 Demarest Ave. Englewood cliffs , NJ 07632
Thank u.
Sheila G Small
Motorist ID. S57047046755384
Hi Sheila,
Good afternoon.
You may be mistaken about communicating with me.
We fight NYC parking tickets. You may be looking for the DOF
Good luck.