Last Updated on March 26, 2016 by Lawrence Berezin
Larry’s parking ticket experiment
This is the first of a three (3) part series about how to fight your NYC parking ticket online.
- First part: A step-by-step guide to fighting your NYC parking ticket online using the new, updated, DOF website parking ticket fighting tool
- Second part: Larry’s review
- Third part: Guilty or not guilty?
At the suggestion of a wonderful friend of New York Parking Ticket LLC, Josh Alpert
I fought my recent NYC parking ticket charging me with the parking crime of failing to display muni-meter receipt…Online, using the much heralded, updated, you can now upload evidence, website tool. In other words, I took one “in the engine room” for the team.
By the way, Josh is the president of Green Earth Pest Control and does a super job fighting his company’s parking tickets.
Here is a “How to” guide I prepared, which I hope sheds some light on the process of fighting your parking tickets online.
[slideshare id=8087024&doc=nypt-howtofightyourparkingticketonline-110524162124-phpapp02]
The NYC parking ticket app has been updated again since this article. The latest version is one I heartily recommend for fighting your parking ticket online. It is easy-to-use, results in a decision within 10-14 days, and renders the same quality of justice as appearing in person or fighting your ticket by mail.
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