Last Updated on October 8, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
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The NYC parking ticket follies
I absolutely adore the segment on ESPN with Chris Berman, Chris Carter, and the rest of the merry crew called, “C’mon man.” The best way to explain the segment is to show a segment…
But, what do you think about an NYC parking ticket version of “C’mon Man?”
Here is “C’mon man” for the wacky world of NYC parking tickets
Mayor Bloomberg and the NYC DOF: In this unrelenting economic tsunami, how can you stop the NYC parking ticket settlement program? In effect, you are waiving an orange flag and challenging your constituency to either fight or pay the draconian fine. I know you’re on a crusade to raise revenue to give the NYC budget a boost, but… “C’mon man.”
NYC DOF, DOT, and parking ticket warriors: How do you issue a parking ticket to a van bearing commercial plates, and no seating in the cargo area, but failing to have the proper lettering on both sides of the vehicle for “parking in a truck loading and unloading zone”, and a NYC minute later, issue a second parking ticket to the same van, occupying the same space, for “unaltered commercial vehicle?” The reason both tickets were issued was that the business owner of the van failed to affix lettering on both sides of the vehicle. Double jeopardy? A merger of violations… “C’mon man.”
Mayor B and NYC: Are the surcharges added to NYC parking ticket fines really illegal? What if Bernard Weitz is right, and his class-action lawsuit proves to be a winner? How’s that for a budget buster… “C’mon man.”
Rogue Parking ticket warriors: Are you really issuing NYC parking tickets to cars waiting for a vehicle to vacate a parking space, and parallel parking?…“C’mon man.”
Rogue police officers and parking ticket warriors: Why are you still issuing illegal parking tickets to the NYC driving community for parking in front of LEGAL pedestrian ramps? How about a class action lawsuit to recover all of NYC’s ill-gotten financial gain from these illegal fines paid by unsuspecting members of the driving public? Now that’s a class action lawsuit!…”C’mon man.”
NYC is blessed with a terrific Mayor, a loyal, protect and serve police force, and thick-skinned, hard-working parking ticket warriors. The big but is rogue police and warriors need a spanking when they violate the law and rules of engagement. And, Mayor, please focus somewhere else for revenue instead of eliminating the parking ticket settlement program.
Scrooge owns Christmas, and Reggie Jackson is Mr. October. Don’t become “Mayor January.”
Do you have any “C’mon man” NYC parking ticket stories? Please share. We’d all love to hear from ya.
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