Last Updated on November 24, 2021 by Lawrence Berezin
NYC parking laws pending in NY City Council that may or may not see the light of day
I took a walk in cyberspace to the NY City Council website to check on the current health of the NYC parking laws. Meanwhile, I gained admittance with my A.A.R.P. card (at a discount). It was a nice way to pass the time.
Here’s what I found.
How to find pending parking laws on the NY City Council’s website
#1: Walk or take a cyber-cab over to the “Legislation Page” on the City Council website
#2: Enter the keyword, “parking” in the search bar, click the tiny box next to “file#” and “text,” and then click search legislation
#3: Viola!
Here are a few of the pending bills
If it was about the thought that counts, I simply love this bill. If it was about the chances of passage, maybe because the proposal is a pilot program. City agencies love pilot programs.
“Commencing January 1, 2015, and concluding December 31, 2015, in one or more community districts designated by the department, there shall be a pilot program regarding the use of photographs with certain violations as indicated below. During the time and at the location of such pilot, any notice of violation issued for stopping, standing or parking in bus stops, in zones reserved for persons with disabilities, in bicycle lanes, in crosswalks, on sidewalks, closer than fifteen feet to a fire hydrant, or alleging failure to display a required document or license plate, shall also contain a photograph evidencing the violation.”
How nice!
“Be still my beating heart.” If this bill ever sees the light of day, there is a real, live Santa Clause.
“Parking violations bureau created. There is hereby created in the [department] office of administrative trials and hearings a parking violations bureau which shall have the jurisdiction of allegations of traffic infractions that constitute a parking violation. For the purpose of this chapter, a parking violation is the violation of any local law, rule or regulation provided for or regulating the parking, stopping or standing of a motor vehicle.”
And many more…
A visit to the legislation page of the NY City Council is well worth your valuable time, even without an AARP card! You’ll be amazed at what you find.
[ Larry’s note: Now we know who invented the parking ticket. And I thought it was Satan. I love it! ]
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