Last Updated on October 8, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
An NYC parking ticket avoidance game
Do you return to your chariot to find a parking ticket under the wiper? Or, do you return home safely with your money in your wallet?
You may gain some insights about how to read parking signs with a little help from your friend, Larry (that’s me). Or, are you already a “King of the Road,” with top-notch knowledge of NYC parking rules? Why not take this test and find out? You may want to check out this helpful blog post to get some insights about NYC parking signs.
Do you know the meaning of?
- An addendum stuck on a gotcha pole?
- Can your parking space be regulated by more than one parking sign? (Yes)
- Which parking sign wins? (More restrictive parking rule wins)
Afterwards, give us a shout out about how you did? Please feel free to navigate our website for the answers. This is an “open website” game.
[alert type=”warning” icon-size=”hide-icon”]The NYC Parking Ticket Game[/alert]
[slideshare id=2146157&doc=nypt-theparkingticketgame-091006162445-phpapp02]
Think about these numbers:
- 10M parking tickets given out to the driving public per year
- Generating revenue of about $550M
- Only 3M parking tickets contested by the driving public per year
- About 50% success rate for tickets that were contested
- About 13% success rate for appeals
How much does it cost you per year in parking fines?
Knowledge is power. Learn how to read those darn signs!
Park safely.
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