Last Updated on August 4, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
Why is the sky blue and NYC parking tickets orange?
My parents were the most wonderful, loving parents in the universe, and I miss them dearly. I was never lacking for love or answers to my never-ending stream of questions. It felt great asking questions.
I never realized that my parents hard-wired me to engage friends, business colleagues, prospects, and clients alike by asking questions. Here are some questions that I think the NYC driving public would like to ask the Evil Empire about why Warriors issue certain NYC parking tickets.
5 NYC parking tickets questions
- Why do parking ticket warriors still issue parking tickets for parking in front of a pedestrian ramp in the middle of the long street of a “T” intersection, knowing full well it is no longer a parking violation? The pedestrian ramp rule 4-08(f) (7) was amended in December 2008 to end the prohibition against parking in front of a pedestrian ramp in the middle of a “T” intersection. Why does the DOF allow this bad behavior to continue?
- Why do parking ticket warriors issue parking tickets against the NYC driving public when they park more than 15 feet from a fire hydrant, knowing it is not a parking violation?
- Why does NYC refuse to honor the handicap parking permits from out-of state disabled members of the driving public? Are these people suddenly cured of their disability when they park in NYC parking spaces? Shame on you for issuing NYC parking tickets to this constitutionally protected class of people.
- Why does the DOF order parking ticket warriors to stand on the sidelines during rush hour, instead of relieving congestion and reducing air pollution by directing traffic through the box?
- Why does the DOF order parking ticket warriors to instruct members of the driving public to circle the block, rather than allowing them to stop temporarily while waiting for a driver to vacate a parking space? Isn’t Mayor Bloomberg campaigning on improving the environment, and reducing air pollution?
1. There are warriors and cops still issuing these scam pedestrian ramp tickets. One of the stupid excuses I heard is they don’t like people blocking a handicapped person’s access to the roadway…That is hogwash.
-Why do you think it is safe for a person with a disability to cross in the middle of the block, between parked cars, with no marked crosswalk or traffic control device when you’d yell at your children if they undertook a fool’s dangerous journey across an NYC roadway?
-It is time to stop issuing these scam tickets now
Kudos to the judges that are dismissing these illegal tickets when a defendant driver presents the proper proof, properly;
2. Don’t be the closest chariot to the fire hydrant, when possible
-Keep a tape measure in your car
-If you are park borderline close to a fire hydrant, walk off the distance to make sure your space is legal
-If you get a fire hydrant ticket, do not leave the curb before you take photographs of your car showing its distance from the fire hydrant. Why not take a video walking the distance. If you don’t have a tape measure, use some of the photographs to illustrate where your car parked in relation to fixed objects. Return the next day, extend a tape measure from the fixed objects, and take a bunch of photographs showing the tape measurements
3. It’s getting better but a person with a handicap needs some help parking whether she’s from Iowa or NY.
4. Show me the money and I’ll show you some warriors standing next to the hot dog truck while vehicles try to navigate the box during a busy day in NYC. It’s a dangerous practice that should be discontinued. Allow the Warriors to direct traffic at intersections, especially during rush hour.
5. It is an absurd interpretation of the double parking rule to issue a ticket while a driver stops temporarily on the roadway side of a vehicle parked at the curb to wait for a driver to vacate a parking space. C’mon man!
Do you have any questions you would like to pose to the NYC Department of Finance about policies and practices involving NYC parking tickets? Stand up and be counted.
Please comment. We need your advice more than ever.
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