Last Updated on December 31, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
NYC parking ticket knowledge is power
Knowledge of the arcane NYC parking ticket rules and regulations keeps your buckeroos where they belong…in your wallet! Do you have a couple of minutes to take a five-question quiz that will test your parking ticket I.Q.? These five questions have been asked and answered before on our weekly website quizzes.
Please complete your answers in the comment section below. I’ll post the correct answers tomorrow.
I’m wondering how our blog readers will fare versus the general population of website visitors that participated in our weekly quizzes. Can you help our blog reader team achieve better results?
The following are the percentage of correct answers for each of the five questions. Can you beat ”em?
#1. 67% #2. 58% #3. 54% #4. 69% #5. 81%
The following are the correct answers and percentages achieved by our blog readers:
#1. True (100%) #2. True (67%) #3. True (100%) #4. True (100%) #5. True (100%)
Kudos to the Larry’s Blog team that far-and-away outperformed the general population of visitors to our website. Frankly, I blame me, Larry B, for the less than perfect result. I could have framed the #2 question better. I should have asked, “Is it LEGAL to park in front of a pedestrian ramp…because parking ticket warriors are still issuing scam pedestrian ramp parking tickets.
I was surprised and saddened by the website quiz results for #2 where only 58% of the respondents knew it was LEGAL to park in front of a pedestrian ramp.
Thank you all for your participation.
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