Last Updated on February 20, 2018 by Lawrence Berezin
Larry’s note: Jimmy Justice is an NYC parking ticket legend. He polices the police, armed only with a video camera. He keeps an eye out for injustice. Why do you get so angry when you receive a parking ticket? Because NYC parking ticket law is not enforced fairly. “Gotcha” should not be the mission statement of the parking ticket warriors.
On behalf of the New York Parking Ticket team, it is our pleasure to introduce Jimmy Justice as a regular guest blogger on Larry’s Blog. We welcome his insights and thought provoking commentary. Be like Jimmy Justice, take action to right a wrong. Betcha it feels good! Here’s Jimmy…..
“If you see something, say something”
New York City’s slogan to help prevent terrorism has very important ramifications. The slogan implies that, in addition to all the government resources, the City relies upon the vigilant eyes and ears of the public to help keep New York City safe.
Obviously, the police cannot be everywhere at the same time. Not only can everyone take part in protecting our City, but it is imperative that we take an active stance and become aware of our surroundings to make it more difficult for the terrorists to carry out their aims.
The slogan, “If you see something, say something” does not have to relate only to acts of terrorism. In my opinion, the slogan should refer to every part of City life that needs improvement. New York City is the greatest city in the world. The City has many culturally diverse neighborhoods, with great food, entertainment, interesting personalities, and miles of opportunities for anyone who seeks employment or education.
Unfortunately, there is a dark side
For the past two years, the focus of my activism has been to improve the City’s aging transit infrastructure, endless traffic jams, lack of parking, and the unfair practices of traffic enforcement. Quite simply, I want to make New York City a friendlier place for people to live, work and visit. I tried to allow the public and wake them from a state of apathy.
I believe that there was a certain degree of altruism when NYC traffic and parking laws were written. The New York City parking ticket laws were written to improve public safety for pedestrians and motorists.
New York City rakes in over $600M a year in parking fines.
It has become painfully obvious that the City is no longer interested in public safety; but rather in collecting revenue. The biggest clue to this equation is written on the orange envelope that comes with a parking summons. “Make all checks payable to the “DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.”
With such a large amount of money at stake, there is too much opportunity for corruption, and lack of discretion by the ticket writers of the Traffic Enforcement Agency. All too often, these poorly trained officers treat the public obnoxiously, and can often be seen violating the same laws that they are supposed to be enforcing; thereby creating a public safety hazard, which offsets the reason they exist in the first place.
I have entertained millions of users with videos showing my confrontations with these traffic officers who are abusing their authority.
Although I am happy to make people laugh and entertain them, my mission is to inspire dialogue, and affect positive change on these issues; in order to make life easier for everyone in New York City.
I hope that the public outrage will force City Hall to review its strategies and:
- Remove ambiguous signage
- Find ways to improve the flow of traffic
- Create more parking
- Provide more training and supervision for the out-of-control traffic enforcement agents
- Show more compassion and discretion in summons writing
I hit the streets armed with a video camera. When I see a public official behaving improperly, I videotape it, call the 311 system, and file an official complaint.
The only way that city officials can continue to abuse the system is if we turn a blind eye, and give them a free pass to do so. Obviously, I cannot be everywhere at the same time. If we want to make the City a better place, we have to all work together. It is our responsibility and civic duty to help prevent terrorism; and official misconduct and malfeasance.
Therefore, “If you see something, SAY SOMETHING!”
Jimmy Justice
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