Last Updated on October 31, 2022 by Lawrence Berezin
Have you ever been issued a bogus NYC parking ticket?
The recurring bogus NYC parking ticket story.
ompexWow, a letter from the NYC Department of Finance with a payment reminder about an overdue parking ticket you allegedly received in Queens two months ago. You return home from a tough, stressful day at work. You check the mailbox while walking into the front door of your house. Strangely, you’ve never been to Queens, nor has your automobile.
How about this?
Joe has a terrific business and is busy growing the business. Likewise, Joe guessed right about purchasing a franchise from “Edible Arrangements.”
Meanwhile, Joe has a store and makes deliveries in his refrigerated commercial vehicle to customers within a 30-mile radius.
What’s this in the mail? A notice from the NYC DOF about an overdue NYC parking ticket? A parking ticket warrior issued a parking ticket swearing that your refrigerated commercial vehicle made the journey from Muskegon, MI, to Manhattan one fine day. Amazing.
Joe’s refrigerated commercial vehicle has an “Edible Arrangements” wrap, and the parking ticket warrior still inserted “passenger” for plate type.
When you’re right-FIGHT, your parking ticket.
Both of these honest citizens have something in common. They telephoned the NYC DOF, explained their dilemma, and were told not to worry. They were told to send in their explanation, and their tickets would be dismissed, especially since both had mistakes on the front of the parking tickets.
You’re getting ahead of me. How’d you guess? Both sent in their written explanations and lost their hearings. The guy from Michigan even lost his appeal. (my fault about the appeal).
Don’t just sit there and lick your parking ticket wounds; take action!
This is an absurd result. There is absolutely no reason or rationale excuse for this type of bad behavior. The parking ticket in Queens was even issued by the old T-420, where some members of the parking ticket division were previously found scamming parking tickets. Shame on you!
This type of scam is a breakdown in the entire system. A lousy parking ticket warrior writes a bogus ticket. The out-of-state person receives a notice in the mail several months later. He calls the NYC DOF and follows some half-baked instructions about not worrying.
Then, what I hate to see is a judge finds a guy guilty from Michigan who was allegedly making a delivery with his refrigerated “passenger vehicle” in Manhattan. Come on; this is the system at its worst.
With that said, this type of bad behavior is not how the system generally operates. Most warriors work hard at a formidable job and do their honest best. The same with most judges in the DOF. So, why aren’t you guys angry when your colleagues pull this kind of stunt? You know who is involved. Why not speak up? Say something about the bad guys.
Here are two suggestions.
Have a special hearing officer assigned to parking tickets issued to out-of-state residents who claim they were not in NYC the day the parking ticket was issued. Make it very clear what proof is necessary to prove a negative. Try it sometime. It is not so easy. You know the old routine:
“How long have you been beating your husband?”
“I never beat my husband”
“Oh yea, prove it”
A false police report can land you in a heap of trouble. So, when you receive notice from the NYC DOF about a bogus parking ticket, file a police report. Search for your parking ticket online, and get the name of the bad guy issuing the fake parking ticket. This is also persuasive evidence of your truthfulness when you contest the parking ticket.
I’m mad as hell. This has got to stop.
Please get in touch with us with your story if this scam has been perpetrated on you! Let’s take some action and stop this bad behavior.
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Just got one today. With our sons plate number but first letter in last name wrong. Went online to look up on the website they tell you to go to. They have wrong description of vehicle. Totally different car. So I should take this to my local police?
Good morning. I’m a little confused about the facts you’re sharing.
If the plate number was misdescribed, you can beat the ticket, upon application and presentation of the proper proof to the Evil Empire. It’s not clear to me why you want to report this to the police. Sorry for the confusion.
Hey Larry I happen to be an atty. Last year I received a completely bogus parking ticket in Flushing, Queens. I was never parked where the ticket claims and of course, the ticket was never placed on my car. When I disputed the ticket at PVB hearing, it was indicated that because I had an OUT OF STATE PLATE, this scam was routinely perpetrated Ever hear of this? Thanks Jerry Garber
Hi, Gerald,
Good morning.
Sorry to hear about you painful parking experience.
This scam and other variations of the scam is one of my biggest gripes. Out-of-state plates make the scam easier to perpetrate for obvious reasons
(My wife and daughter were victims, too).
Here’s a link to a ticket I just beat for a guy who lived in Western PA, whose car has never been to NYC and got a double parking ticket in Queens. Yikes!
Thanks for sharing, Gerald.
how do they get the detail? my plate number correct my vehicle correct but wrong color car
I got a fake ticket yesterday while my car was parked in front of my residence. Ticket claims I was parked at Queens Plaza at 9:00 am although I work in the city and take the subway. Terrible surprise when I got home. Collins, K has been targeting my car and others at my residence for the past few months. I filed a complaint against him to the and should I file a complaint with my local precinct too?
Hi, Monica,
Sorry to hear about your Warrior grief.
The local precinct supervises the Warriors.
I would stop by and talk with them about your complaint with the Warrior.
Let us know the outcome.
Good luck.
Hi, Monica
Good morning.
Sorry to hear about your Warrior grief.
The local precinct supervises the local Warriors so it would be a good place to
report your problem with the Warrior. Make sure to bring your proof.
Good luck.
PS…Don’t forget that the fact that you were the city doesn’t prove your car wasn’t parked by someone else at Queens Plaza.
Hi. My mom received a parking ticket for Queens,NY. We have not been there to get said ticket. She called up the DOF and they said the same thing, write an explanation and send it back in. She did that and a week later we received an increased price in the ticket with the original letter with the explanation attached. Also included was a letter that the car was an Infiniti(which we don’t have), The license plate late number(which isn’t ours and actually expired according to them 3/2015). They told her to contact the CT DMV regarding this issue. I went online and opened a case, still waiting to hear back from them. Not sure where to go from here.
Good morning,
One of my major pet peeves is when an NYC parking ticket is issued to an out-of-state car that never parked in NYC. I’m afraid it is a tough ticket to beat because there are no guidelines for out-of-state residents to follow enlighten them on what evidence to submit. Further, it is very challenging to prove a negative.
The CT DMV has nothing to do with fighting a parking ticket in NYC. Did you lose your first NYC hearing? If so, your next step is to file an appeal.
Looking forward to your reply.
No hearing yet. We just received letters in the mail. It started at $45 and increased to $105 by the third letter.
This has happened to me 3 times now for my motorcycle license plate. I am considering going to the DMV and getting my license plate changed.
I received a payment reminder for two overdue parking tickets. Both were for the exact same location in midtown manhattan, half an hour apart from each other. I disputed them and provided google maps evidence from that day, which showed I was at work and at home only that day. Obviously, that doesn’t prove that my motorcyle was with me, only my phone. So I lost, but they did remove one ticket, because you can’t receive two infractions for the same location in that close of a time frame from one another.
So, I swallowed my pride, and paid the ticket, $115 dollars, for something I was innocent of.
Now, a couple of months later, I receive another one, for financial district in manhattan, and I never go down there. The plate is my plate, and the motorcycle description is correct, just like the others. I have no idea what is going on. I can only think to change my plate so that I stop getting scammed.
Hi, Leon,
Oh man. What a nightmare.
I’ve had a number of clients with the same challenge. One client had 98 phony tickets.
I agree. I would change my plate and make sure you turn your current plate in and get a receipt.
PS…You made an “easy to make” mistake in forming your defense. Proving you were at work isn’t a winning defense. But, it is very hard to prove a negative!
PPS…You state the custom correctly. A Warrior or Cop can’t issue two location violations within three hours for the same violation while you’re parked in the same space
I have a lease vehicle starting dealer inspected from 9/17 – 9/18. So how did I get a NO INSPECTION ticket on 6/28/18. I sent a windshield photo to the FOF and the judge ultimately said “there’s no proof of WHEN” the pic was taken so…GUILTY. I requested an appeal with detailed evidence from the phone’s log which was like 22mins after the ticket was written, I included the customer invoice from the dealer with the aforementioned date of inspection, highlighting important data. They still refused. The case is now in the office of Councilman Salamanca who contacted the DOF as well as the Consumer Advocacy Department. I will hear from them in a few days.
Hi, Janice,
Oh man, what a shame.
Good luck and kudos for fighting for your rights.
Hey Lawrence,
I received a bogus ticket from the New York City Department of Finance around of the summer of 2018 and they claimed “I was parked somewhere in Brooklyn NY during street cleaning hours” I’ve never been to Brooklyn. I sent an appeal form online with some evidence that I was working at the time with a time and date stamped on the image. I received a response in my email stating this wasn’t credible. Next, I took time off work and traveled to The NY Department of Finance office in the city, there I filled out a appeal another appeal form stating “this wasn’t my vehicule, the color is wrong, and my vehicule has two doors not four”. I showed the employee the picture of the vehicule to prove my case, the ticket information and she handed me the appeal application and pointed out which sections to fill. I followed her instructions and handed her the application. Few weeks later I received the same application with a rejection notice paper in front of the application stating that it was being rejected because I didn’t personally write the date. The pen I filled out the application with was black, the pen that wrote the date was blue. Two weeks or so later I called see if I was able to email proff that my car has a different color, and 2 doors instead of four. The lady on the phone was vile and impolite she said “all you can do at this point is pay the fine they are no other option for you sir” so, I payed the $115 dollar fine so they would’nt seize my vehicule, freeze my bank account, and so on. I believe this is clearly abuse of power and shows how corrupt this city really is. I would like to sue the city after reading so many similar cases. The odd part is how did they manage to match my licence plate with the wrong vehicule? My vehicule is leased, and I remember the manager of the dealership telling me he is from Brooklyn as I was doing the paperwork for my vehicule about a year ago. “I was appearantly parked in Brooklyn as well”. So lawwrence, I would like to know my chances of winning this case if I were to sue?
Hi, Ibrahima,
Good morning.
Sorry for your pain, Ibrahima.
Your question about the chances of winning a lawsuit if you sued the City is really beyond the scope of my expertise as a parking ticket fighter. You are correct in saying that misidentified cars are fairly common is absolutely correct. I’ve ranted about this behavior and offered some solutions, like:
Publish a list of acceptable evidence to prove the misidentification
Assign specific judges to rule on “misidentified car” defense and apply standardized criteria to earn a dismissal
I can tell you this, undertaking such a lawsuit for damages will be far more expensive and time-consuming than any amount of money you may hope to win.
I would contact my City Council representative and try to work on a new law Or, contact a NY lawyer to explore a class action.
Good luck.
Larry We communicated previously. I actually started a lawsuit v. the City and the NYPD because I received a bogus parking ticket because my car had out of state plates. The scam works like this. The NYPD parking ticket officer sees a car in his precinct with out of state plates and takes the info. He/she then writes a bogus ticket claiming that the car was illegally parked, e.g. in front of a bus stop. Hope by cop is that by the time the owner learns of the bogus ticket (obviously never placed upon the car), the car owner is back home too far away to challenge ticket. I ask you to publish this in the hope that other victims of this same scam will contact me. The case is in Queens Supreme Court. Thanks for any assistance.
Hi Gerald, What was the outcome of your lawsuit?
I live in rhode island I am 70 years old I do not drive off the island. Basically i go to the supermarket. I got a notice in the mail I was parked in brooklyn when a street was being cleaned. Charging me 55 dollars. There is a website with the ticket it’s my license number and my make and model of car. I too was told to protest it but hiw do you prove it was not you. I called my police department and was told it was a scam not to 0ay for the ticket. Not sure this is the way to go but I did not do this.
Hi, Jodi,
Good morning.
I’m afraid this bad behavior happens all too often.
And, as you correctly stated, it is difficult to prove a negative.
To rub salt on the wound, the advice from the police department was wrong and costly. You gotta fight it to avoid payment.
I recently beat one of these scam tickets. I’ll email you a copy of the certification and exhibits so you’ll get an idea how to prove your case.
Good luck.
This scam is still ongoing. We’ve been targeted in Fort Greene by two Traffic Enforcement Agents out of the T-301 command. They falsely alleged that our car (which has NJ plates) was in locations that it has never been. One ticket was dismissed after an online hearing. The second ticket was upheld by ALJ Paul Milbauer because we did “not allege that the vehicle is not accurately described.” Of course the vehicle was accurately described, that’s an integral aspect to this criminal scheme. When we appealed and appeared before the NYC Department of Finance’s Board of Appeals, they openly mocked our evidence, acting like prosecutors and holding us to a standard higher than that in the criminal realm. They wanted proof beyond all doubt that our vehicle was not at the alleged location. That’s of course impossible. We provided surveillance footage from a parking lot 30 minutes away from the alleged location, showing our vehicle entering 3 hours before the time cited on the ticket. We also provided cell phone tracking data showing that we remained by the parking lot from the time the vehicle entered until hours after the time cited on the ticket. We also provided letters from our employers showing that we were at work at the time cited on the ticket, not near the falsely cited location. This is a scam that is clearly enabled by the incompetents at the DOF. If anyone has been issued false tickets by TEAs D. Brathwaite or I. Jones, please contact me. The IAB referred our complaint to the TEAs’ supervisor for investigation. He is looking into it, but I am not holding out much hope.
Hi, David,
Man, I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience.
I hate when the Evil Empire plays games with these scam tickets, ignores facts and imposes requirements that don’t exist in the parking laws or rules.
Kudos to fighting the scam ticket.
Please let us know the outcome.
Hi Larry,
One of the Traffic Enforcement Agents has been indicted on nearly 100 counts. The top charges are Class D felonies. If anyone else has been a victim of similar corrupt behavior, please contact the Kings County District Attorneys Office.
Hi David,
Good afternoon.
Thanks for the heads-up! Wow!
I received something a little different. A letter from NYC dept of finance saying it is in response to my correspondence (that I never sent) regarding a parking ticket ( that I never revived…I haven’t been to NYC only twice last time three years ago and went on a bus trip with work) letter says I owe nothing on the tickets but I may owe for others ….It lists a summons number and says to keep it for my records???? What’s in the future????
Hi, Jim,
Good morning.
This type of notice doesn’t sound familiar to me.
I would:
-Look up the 10-digit summons number online
-Take a photo of the letter and email it to me at
I’m happy to check it out and get back to you.
I received a ticket in the mail from the new york department of finance saying i was speeding in a school zone on june,12,2020 . they had a picture of a red explorer with the same license number as mine. i own a black explorer and my license plate is white,blue and yellow and is a pa plate with the keystone logo on it. the plate in the violation photo was blue and yellow and had a different logo(not the keystone logo) and the state was covered by a license plate holder. i took pictures of my different plate and my different color vehicle and emailed them. they then told me to appeal by mail. i resent the pictures and told them my plate is from pa and a different color and that they should look at the logo in the violation picture. they emailed me back saying my case was adjourned and that i had insufficient proof and had 30 days to send documentation. the case should have been dropped with the picture of the different plate. this has been very stressful on me since i,ve already spent 3 hours atleast on the phone, sending emails,etc trying to get this straightened out. i,ve only been to new york one time in my life and that was before 911. any suggestions on how to proceed?
Hi Pete,
Sorry to learn about your school zone camera grief.
This situation is one of my major gripes with the Evil Empire.
They claim an out-of-state car was in NYC and committed a parking violation when that car wasn’t or never visited the City that never stops ticketing.
I fought these tickets and beat most of them, but figuring out the type of proof that will win a dismissal is very challenging.
I’m afraid the proof is a bit too involved for this comment section.
What I can say is:
-Where was your car on the date and time the camera ticket was issued? Can you prove it?
-Remember, it’s not trying to prove that you weren’t in NYC, it’s your car
-One of my clients lived in a beautiful rural part of PA. It was about a 3-hour drive to NYC and we were able to account for the car that day.
-I thought I wrote a client success blog post and attached my winning documents, but I can’t remember the title. Yikes getting old.
The more details you can provide, the better chance you have of beating this idiotic ticket.
The fact the plate and color are different help but alone won’t get you a win.
Hello Mr. Bezerin,
I’m just worried about a friend who got 2 empty ticket envelopes few days in a row for “EXP/MSG ISP ST (71)”…then receives corresponding letters a couple of weeks later, these were the notice details:
dated July 6, 2022 for violation date 6/18/22 with $65 due July 19, 2022.
dated June 15, 2022 for violation date July 15, 2021 (yes, 2021) for $95 due July 15, 2022.
Do you think there’s something odd about these? I cannot retrieve the records online using the info from the letter and I don’t have the tickets to get the ticket numbers from. Should I request for the tickets via email? I’m helping my friend pay for then online, that’s why I have all the info on hand.
Hi Maria,
Good afternoon.
You are a good friend.
I search for parking tickets online by entering the plate number or 10-digit summons number in the NYC Search App.
Give it a try and let me know if you find those evil things.
Good luck.
Received a NYC parking ticket from Front of 150 W 34th St. signature of complaint was C Rose, command T-400, device ID7200. Ticket which had correct plate number, but it had incorrect vehicle description. First appeal denied, second appeal I sent photos of vehicle, copies of registration, circled their wrong information and was still denied.
I have never been to NYC or New York State. Don’t know where to go from here.
Don’t they have enough problem in New York City
Hi Russ,
Good afternoon.
I’m sorry to hear about the painful outcomes.
-The next step is filing an Article 78 with the NY Supreme Court. However, the filing fee alone is about $350.
Meanwhile, I’m not sure what you mean by “incorrect vehicle description.” The MAKE of a car, regardless of the state of registration, must be entered exactly as registered. However, the description of the BODY TYPE for an out-of-state car must only be “reasonably accurate.” Sadly, the Evil Empire has a very expansive view of, “reasonably accurate.” For example, a spaceship can be reasonably described as a boat. Get the drift?
Good luck.
I just got one today from Queens NY (I’m in Florida). The tag number is from a car I haven’t owned in like 20 months and I still have the tag in my garage (removed when I sold it). Oh, I’ve also never been to New York and neither has that car. They said it was a black Honda, but my old car was and still is silver (my old boss owns it). The ticket also states there is in sticker and mine shows it expired in Aug 2021. I sent ‘m fighting it, but I honestly can’t see how this stuff happens.
Hi Jerald,
I am sorry to learn about your grotesque “ghost” ticket. I hate ’em.
Please let us know the outcome of your dispute.
We’re rooting for you, Jerald.
My husband just received a ticket for a bus lane violation via mail from NY. The ticket was issued in Bronx NY and we live in Central PA. We have never been to NY and neither the plate or the car are not ours. No one will listen to us when we call and we are at a loss of who to talk with. We have 1 week to dispute.
Hi Natasha,
Good afternoon.
I despise these “ghost” parking tickets, especially since no one will listen to your excellent explanation.
My best advice is to dispute the ticket online.
Good luck.
I have never been to NY in my car. I live in Texas – My husband is bedridden and requires 24-hour care. I got a bus lane violation. The plate is a Texas plate with my number but not my car. I submitted photos. Last time it was dismissed this time my appeal was denied and they had a hearing that I didn’t know about and now they want $75?!?!? My family thinks it is a scam but I searched the website you mentioned a few posts ago and it is there. I called and tried to dispute and they told me I had to dispute online but they want a ticket number and every number I have they say is not the right number? What happens if I don’t pay? This is so frustrating – this has happened 2 times before and those times I submitted photo and it was done. It’s a different car every time – so frustrating – I’m going to Texas office and get new plates ASAP
Hi Michelle,
You perfectly described one of my major pet peeves. I despise how the Evil Empire treats out-of-state drivers who receive ghost parking tickets.
NYC should publish a checklist or guide to contesting a ghost parking ticket. A decision should not be left to the whims of each judge to find you guilty when you or your car has never parked in NYC. Under those circumstances, I don’t even know how NYC establishes jurisdiction.
Good luck.
I received a ticket in the mail and when I followed up, I now have three tickets in my name for a car I never owned and a license plate I never owned! I went to my DMV and pulled a list of vehicles I owned along with the plates both current and old and nothing connects me to these tickets!
My full name & address are on each ticket and they total $230.11
Hi Sabrina,
Good afternoon.
I’m sorry but I no longer answer comments on the blog (I retired).
New York City traffic police are giving out false tickets I just lost my case today because I didn’t have proof at the time of the ticket and they don’t have proof to show me that my car was actually there. Even though I paid the ticket I am still looking for somebody’s camera to show me on the 18th of October who was the person walking up and down this block giving out false tickets.