Last Updated on March 7, 2020 by Lawrence Berezin
NYC parking ticket scam strikes Columbia University
Whether you call it an ambush, a parking ticket trap, or an NYC parking ticket scam the outcome is the same. The Evil Empire separates you from your hard-earned dough.
I was contacted recently by Joe, a student at Columbia University, with a chilling account of the latest ambush.
Joe returned to his residence one evening and was unable to find parking in front of 528 Riverside Drive in NYC. He drove up the block and turned right onto the Riverside Drive Roundabout. He continued on the Roundabout until he found a vacant parking space. He parked his chariot on the legal side of a parking pole.
How did the NYC parking ticket scam ambush Joe?
The next afternoon when Joe returned to the parking space, his car was gone. Have you ever experienced the indescribable feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see your empty parking space? I know I have.
Joe began his search for the missing vehicle. He eventually located the car in the police pound. Joe paid the ransom and recovered his car.
To his surprise, when Joe carefully examined the parking ticket he observed that the place of occurrence entered on the parking ticket did not describe the location where he parked. Instead, it was a cockamamie detailed description of an illegal parking space on the forbidden side of Riverside Drive.
How did Joe’s nightmare end?
Joe and I worked together to prepare a winning defense to this NYC parking ticket scam. We were able to persuade the Evil Empire that there was absolutely no way anyone would have parked at the scam location entered on the parking ticket.
The Evil Empire dismissed the ticket. Justice was served.
This scam was perpetrated by a rogue warrior and evil elements of a towing company. As a matter of fact when our hero, Joe, called the tow company to inquire about where it picked up his car the night before, the tow-guy cursed Joe and hung up. How’s that for a reasonable response.
The moral to our story is that even when we are right and park in a legal parking space, we can get caught up in an NYC parking ticket scam. The wonderful news is that the judge did the right thing and dismissed the ticket recognizing the scam. Kudos to all the fair-minded judges that do the right thing despite pressure to convict.
Did you ever consider the poor tow operator?
Wouldn’t you be pissed too if the owner of a car you had towed called you up and wanted it back. Damned cheek of the man. Especially after you had have gone to all that effort for an easy buck as your share of the loot.Yes, you would have to split it with your mates, but then they did give you the mail about some quick bucks for an easy scam.
But all things being equal we all know justice prevails, if you have a good lawyer, so evil empires are not able to be more equal than others. I for one am glad you were about for Joe and others like him.
We done Mr B and Joe for getting a happy ending.
I do hope Joe sent that Tow Operator an apology for spoiling his sting. On such occasions can I suggest a forgiveness restoration gift of 10 day old prawns that have been in the sun, would be most suitable.
Dear Gordon,
It is totally wonderful to hear from you and your
poetic prose. I love your comments and insights.
(I’m taking the prawns out of the refrigerator right now).
I most sincerely wish my great friend and his wonderful family
a healthy and prosperous holiday season and 2016.
Your friend,
No punishment for the tow operator? Seems like an investigation is warranted by the police.
Dear Catherine,
Good morning.
I hear you and agree.
However, the bad behavior starts with the rogue warrior
who issued the scam parking ticket. He calls in the evil
tow operator. The warriors are supervised by the police department.
Kind of like asking a father to investigate his son.
This scam is not confined to the area around Columbia U. It happens
all over the city. The good news is it doesn’t happen a lot. The
gooder news is the rogue warrior entered a location on the ticket
that was obviously not a viable parking space. The goodest news was
that a judge recognized the scam and dismissed the ticket.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.