Last Updated on April 17, 2023 by Lawrence Berezin
The number of rogue parking ticket judges is on the rise.
Similarly, the pernicious effect of these parking ticket judge’s evil work is the wrongful taking of our hard-earned dough. Likewise, unfathomable decisions are becoming the norm in Parking Ticket Land.
As a result of this judge-foolery, I’m mad as hell, and I won’t take this anymore.
How about you?
Here’s an example of a rogue parking ticket judge in action.
Once upon a time, a short time ago (only about three weeks), Dr. James Kildare was running late for his shift at the Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC. Meanwhile, the NYC traffic was impenetrable. Likewise, when he finally arrived near the hospital, legal curbside parking spaces were overflowing with cars. And he was already late.
So, after twenty-five minutes of searching, Dr. Kildare gave up and parked across the street in a commercial meter zone.
Dr. Kildare returned to his car.
Meanwhile, Dr. Kildare returned to the parking space after his 12-hour shift ended and found two parking tickets under his wiper. Firstly, he grabbed the two tickets and examined the front of each.
Meanwhile, the first parking ticket was for parking a passenger vehicle in a commercial meter zone, which he expected. However, the warrior misdescribed the plate number and plate type, which Dr. Kildare didn’t expect.
Next, Dr. Kildare looked at the second ticket. The same warrior issued another ticket claiming the tags and registration sticker didn’t match (VC75). Bad warrior!
To sum up, Dr. Kildare expected one parking ticket for parking a passenger vehicle in a commercial space across the street from Lenox Hill Hospital. Instead, he wound up with two tickets, both with misdescribed plate numbers.
Most importantly, both parking tickets displayed misdescribed plate numbers and should be subject to dismissal.
Can you guess what happened next?
Dr. Kidare stepped up to the plate.
And he fought both tickets.
Here is Dr. Kildare’s defense certification for the VC75 violation.
Dear Honorable Judge,
I certify as follows:
I am not guilty of this parking violation because:
-The TEA misdescribed the plate number.
My name is James Kildare, M.D.
I am a licensed physician in the State of NY.
My car displayed my MD plates on the date and time this parking ticket was issued.
A doctor must have a regular series plate issued by the NY DMV to obtain an MD plate. (See Exhibit #7). In my case, my regular series plate was #KT_ _ _ _ _.
–The MD plates, registration sticker, and registration matched.
I have submitted a series of exhibits in support of my defense.
Due to these circumstances, please dismiss this parking ticket.
Thank you.
Larry’s note: Add_Certification here
Respectfully submitted,
James Kildare, MD.
Exhibits for VC75
![This image is of a parking ticket issued to the owner of a vehicle for not having the correct registration sticker attached. Full Text: Exhibit 1 The City of New York Notice of Parking Violation YOU MUST ANSWER WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS This is the online image of the parking ticket. TICKET. IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND. PENALTIES AND INTEREST WILL BE ADDED AND YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE BOOTED OR TOWER. I not guilty of this violation because: Permit Displayed Permit Number Type -The Plate # was misdescribed. N/S N/A N/A My name is Name of the Operator, if present. If not present I a licensed physician in the State of NY. OWNER OF THE VEHICLE BEARING LICENSE On the date and time this parking ticket was issued, my Plate CD Exp. Date State Plate Type personalized MD plates were attached to my car, as 4 09/29/23 NY PAS they always are. Make Color Year Body Type TESL RD 2021 4DSC [In order to obtain an MD plate, a doctor must have a regular VIN # series plate issued by the NY DMV. (See Exhibit #7). In my 5YJ3E1EB6MF056756 case, my regular series plate was #KT however, THE OPERATOR AND OWNER OF THE ABOVE VEHICLE ARE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: this plate was not attached to my car]. In Violation of NYC Traffic Rules, Section: 4-08()(5) No Match-Plate/Reg Sticker -However, the MD plates, registration sticker, and registration ALTERNATE PLATE - MD97366 NY matched. Place of Occurrence Front of 1091 Lexington Ave VC Meter # / Zone Operational Limit County Pct 75 NY 019 Date/Time of Offense Date/Time 1st Observed 03/17/23 02:43 PM N/A Complainant's Comments: 212 Mount Sinal Hospital FINE AMOUNT: $ 65.00 Emergency Medicine Agency Command Tax Reg # Device ID TRAFFIC T-103 373112 HA3850 Complainant's Name AREFIN, A. Signature of Complainant x](
The evil rogue parking ticket judge’s evil decision

Dr. Kildare appeal
Here’s the absurdity of the rogue parking ticket judge’s bad decision. Assuming hypothetically that Dr. Kildare’s car displayed his regular series plates, they would still match his registration sticker. Why? Because the registration sticker shows both the regular series plates and MD plates, as required by law.
In other words, regardless of which plates were attached to the car when this ticket was issued, they both matched the registration sticker.
Shame on you, Mr. Judge.
And you, too, Mr. Evil Empire. Trying to make up for lost revenue by issuing unjust decisions is the wrong solution.
Sadly, this was not an isolated incident. But let’s put a stop to these types of decisions right now.
Let’s right this wrong.
FREE Download
The first step to parking safely in NYC is to know how to apply the plethora of new laws, especially the ones affecting parking meters (formerly known as muni-meters). More importantly, I prepared a guide to these new laws and threw in a pinch of important tips that will help you save your money.
If you want to know the current parking rules and how to navigate these dangerous curbs without getting costly fines, these “Essential Tips About the New Parking Laws in NYC” are for you.
Click on the pretty clicker below, and voila!
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