Where NYC parking rules live Be on the look-out for NYC parking rules because ignoring ’em will cost you beaucoup de money. You’ll find rules and regulations that relate to parking: On parking signs On roadways In Title 34 Chapter 4 Rules of the city of New York In Chapter 39 of title 19 of the […]
nyc parking rules and regulations
5 NYC Parking Rules you may have missed trying to find a parking space
5 NYC parking rules you may not know Did you know this NYC parking rule? 1. M(1) Wrong way parking prohibited. Except where angle parking is authorized, every vehicle stopped, standing, or parked partly upon a roadway shall be so stopped, standing, or parked parallel to the curb or edge of the roadway. On a […]
Dumb Ways to get Parking Tickets (or Traffic Tickets) in NYC
Dumb ways to get parking tickets Can you count the number of dumb ways to get parking tickets in NYC? For example: Parking next to a fire hydrant while you run into a nearby store You can fall asleep in your car in a bus stop zone Sit in your car in a no […]
Little known NYC Parking Ticket Rules
NYC parking ticket rules and regulations you may not know about It’s Friday, Good Friday as a matter of fact, and I thought I’d take a look at every parking ticket rule contained in 4-08. I decided to search out rules that caused me to say, “I didn’t know that…” So, without further adieu, here […]
Valuable Information about NYC parking ticket rules
The Answers to Last Week’s Pop Quiz about NYC parking ticket rules Last week I gave you a pop quiz testing your knowledge of NYC parking ticket rules. Here are the answers. How’d you do? 1. Is there any way to beat an NYC parking ticket for double parking? Yes or No 2. If […]