NYC parking ticket stats are mind-boggling. The amount of revenue raised by those costly tickets will bring a tear to your eyes and wallet. Likewise, they do mine!
Their must be a better way? Any ideas?
"When you're right, fight"
Which States’ drivers pay the least NYC parking ticket fines? When g-d was handing out math/data analysis/statistics skills, I was standing in the NYC parking ticket line. Figures, right. I am desperately seeking those skills to this day. That’s one of the reasons why I am mesmerized by the work of Professor Ben Wellington. Professor […]
NYC parking ticket statistics explain why they trigger such an emotional reaction from the driving public 9,955,441 represents the number of NYC parking tickets issued by New York City agencies between July 2007 and June 2008. That’s an accurate NYC parking ticket statistic… 9,955,411. Guess how much revenue was generated?…$624 M. Whew… Here are some parking […]