Joe carefully read the parking ticket and discovered the parking rule was misdescribed. Follow Joe’s journey from the agony of defeat at original hearing to the thrill of victory on appeal. Ticket dismissed!
Parking Rule
Shocking How a Parking Rule Blunder Cost the Evil Empire Millions
A parking rule tiny typo is a gift that keeps on giving The Evil Empire recently had a very bad day, which means NYC drivers had a great day. The Department of Finance refunded about $26M to drivers because the muni-meter parking rule was incorrectly printed on all the parking ticket forms. The correct citation […]
What Everyone Ought to Know about the NYC No Parking Rule
What is your favorite no parking rule myth? I enjoy reading about myths, but I love debunking ’em more. Here are some famous myths: Don’t swim on a full stomach Put butter on a sunburn Poison ivy is contagious. Mr. Rogers was a navy seal during the Vietnam war JFK and the jelly donut speech […]
Can my NYC Parking Ticket be Dismissed for the Wrong Parking Rule?
What is parking rule? We talked about parking ticket laws in yesterdays blog post. Today we’re going to learn about: How a parking rule is born Where parking rules live Dismissing a parking ticket if a warrior enters the wrong rule (4-08 et seq.) on a parking ticket How is an NYC parking ticket “Rule” […]