Last Updated on January 4, 2018 by Lawrence Berezin
This is the third part of a three-part series about parking laws, rules, and regulations
Here are four (4) official places where you’ll find NYC parking ticket laws, rules, and regulations:
- NY Vehicle and Traffic Law (“VTL”), article two-B
- Chapter 39 of title 19 of the Official Compilation of Rules of the City of New York (19 RCNY 39-01 et seq.)
- Chapters 1 & 4 of title 34 of the Official Compilation of Rules of the City of New York (34 RCNY 4-01 & 4-08)
- NYC Administrative Code
- NYC Rules
PART I: Vehicle and Traffic Law & Chapter 39
PART II: Chapters 1 & 4 of Title 34
The NYC Administrative Code
When you are searching for a law, check out the NYC Administrative Code. Who amongst the NYC driving public hasn’t heard about the Five (5) Minute Grace Period Bill that was enacted into law? Where do you think it was hidden? If you guessed the NYC Administrative Code, you’re right! (See, NYC Administrative Code 19-213).
How about the terrific new law empowering the NYC driving public with the ability to fight a parking ticket if issued within five (5) days of the installation of a new sign displaying a new parking rule. If you guessed NYC Administrative Code, you were right again
I am by no means suggesting every member of the NYC driving public become a parking ticket expert. Hey, who would I talk to? I’d be out of a job. The big but is it can’t hurt to randomly read some of the parking laws, rules, and regulations simply to get a feel for what lurks behind a warrior’s scanner. You’ll be surprised what you’ll find; and how much it will help you keep your hard earned dough where it belongs…In your wallet.
How is your knowledge about ways to beat parking tickets for registration and inspection violations? Would you like a little refresher? Click gently and ye shall find.
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