Last Updated on December 7, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
Settlement program ends today
The NYC parking ticket fine and penalty settlement program end today, January 31, 2012, for passenger vehicles. Reports of the settlement program’s demise are not premature…unfortunately.
In protest against this cruel and usual punishment, New York Parking Ticket LLC offers the driving community “FREE FRIDAY” on February 3, 2012.
Larry (that’s me) will man the telephone from sunrise to sunset and answer any questions about your NYC parking tickets, help you come up with a winning defense, and suggest how to present the proper proof persuasively to a parking ticket judge.
The best part of FREE FRIDAY is it’s FREE. Who doesn’t like, “FREE?”
I want to help the transition from having the option of paying a reduced fine instead of fighting your NYC parking ticket, to the Evil Empire threatening you with the ultimatum, “pay in full, or fight!”
It’s not right.
It is my wish that the members of the driving community who pay 7,000,000 parking tickets, no questions asked, will re-think this un-thinking reflex action of reaching into their wallets and turning over their hard-earned dough to the Evil Empire.
When you’re right-FIGHT.
Present the proper proof persuasively.
So, friends and neighbors, what do you think about the end of the settlement program. What action do you plan to take when you get an NYC parking ticket?
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