Last Updated on September 10, 2021 by Lawrence Berezin
Required element secrets can help you overpower an unjust parking ticket
Where can you find these precious required element secrets? I’m glad you asked.
The Evil Empire shares these insights right in plain view on their website. Yessiree, they really do.
So, here’s the challenge. You have a bunch of great tools in your arsenal to beat unjust NYC parking tickets. But, do you take the time to carefully study the front of your ticket? To clarify, if you find a required element was misdescribed, omitted, or entered illegibly, the ticket will be dismissed.
On the other hand, the statistics say, nope. The driving public only contests about 3M parking tickets out of 10M tickets issued each year. The stats say that drivers are too busy, lazy, or rich to take five or fewer minutes to save $115 bucks.
What do you say?
The Evil Empire’s website

Status Violations
Parking ticket warriors issue “status” violations when there is something wrong with your car. For example, you may have an expired registration sticker on your windshield. Or, your inspection ticket expired last year and is challenging a warrior to notice.
A “status” violation has nothing to do with the location of your parking space. As a result, you cannot claim that the place of occurrence was misdescribed because it just doesn’t matter where you parked. All that matters is that the documents on your car were defective.
Check out the first and second part blog posts of the Evil Empire’s sharing spree
Part 1: Required Element Blunders are Worth their Weight in Bitcoin
Part 2: Defending Parking Tickets with Helpful Tips from the Evil Empire.
Don’t forget to double check the front of your ticket
It is not enough for a warrior to say your registration sticker, inspection sticker, plates, or other such stuff was “improper.” The warrior must explain why. For example, let’s say the warrior gave you a ticket for 4-08(j)(2), improper plates displayed. She’s gotta explain why they were improperly displayed.
In the same vein, if a warrior gives you and your chariot a parking ticket for an expired inspection sticker, he has to enter the date of expiration and sticker number on the ticket.
Please, never, ever pay an NYC parking ticket, “No questions asked.” Open your toolbox for a few minutes and use your precious required element secrets to pan for gold. Why not?
Are $115 bucks that unimportant?
FREE Download
This is a handy, easy to use, tip sheet to help you avoid or beat registration and inspection status violations. A status violation is a parking ticket that penalizes you for something wrong with your car (and not its location).
For example, if your registration sticker is expired, ca-ching, you’ll get a $65 status violation. Or if your inspection sticker is expired, ca-ching, you’ll get a $65 status violation.
Larry, thanks for all your helpful info! I’d appreciate your thoughts on my ticket. Do I have a case for misdescribed required elements if the parking warrior incorrectly entered the number 1 in my out-of-state license plate as the letter “i” and the letter “o” as the number zero? I didn’t notice until I went to pay online and the ticket wasn’t coming up in the search when I entered my correct plate number. I then looked it up by the violation number and noted the slight errors. They also only wrote 4 digits of my VIN number even though all digits were clearly visible. Do I have a shot at disputing the Evil Empire on the basis of incorrect required elements or would these minor mistakes in my plate number and lack of full VIN number be considered “reasonably accurate”? Any thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Alicia,
Good afternoon.
Happy holidays.
Great catch.
I would fight this evil ticket and argue that the plate number was misdescribed:
-The correct plate number was _______________. But, the TEA entered _______________
I would submit:
-A copy of the official online ticket
-A photo of your license plate
-A photo of your vehicle’s registration
-A screengrab of the Parking Ticket Online Search App showing the entry of the correct plate number and the failed search
You are a winner, Alicia.
Be safe.