Last Updated on February 14, 2017 by Lawrence Berezin
It is not about cheating the system, it’s about beating an NYC parking ticket
We have received a number of calls lately asking for our help in cheating to beat an NYC parking ticket, and it is starting to piss me off. For example, one rogue member of the NYC driving public tells me he parked too close to a pump, and received a fire hydrant parking ticket. He wants to know whether he can return to the scene of the parking crime, park his vehicle more than fifteen (15) feet from the pump, and take a picture. Will I help?
Another caller tells me she stopped, dropped a passenger, and waited for the passenger to finish shopping. She knows she violated the rules, but asked me to prepare affidavits from her and her friend verifying she stopped, dropped and drove away immediately.
When you’re right-FIGHT
The majority of our friends who visit the website and post a comment on Larry’s Blog, submit a website form with a parking ticket challenge, or call for advice are 100% genuine, honest members of the driving public, with a gripe. No two people will fight harder than Dan and me to help you beat an undeserved parking ticket, or help you present the proper proof properly. [alert type=”warning” icon-size=”hide-icon”]
Please don’t ask us to cheat when you’re wrong.
[/alert]Why leave your integrity at the door when you’re issued a parking ticket? Knowledge is power. Learn the basics of NY parking ticket law 101. Understand the 3 No’s, the fire hydrant rule, and the bus stop rule. Don’t forget you can’t stop to drop or pick off a passenger in a no stopping zone. Please take a photograph of your vehicle in the parking space after you get a parking ticket. Always check the front of your parking ticket for mistakes, etc.
The NYC parking ticket rules and regulations can be oppressive and unfair. But, it doesn’t give you and I the right to cheat to win. Believe me, we can beat ’em fair and square; and when we do, the sweet smell of victory really smells sweet.
Thanks for listening
My wife thanks you, and my cats thank you. Most of all, I thank you.
Am I off base, overreacting? I can’t stand bullies, but I hate cheaters worse than bullies. Would you help a friend beat a parking ticket by false swearing on an affidavit? Why? By the way, it’s a crime.
On cheating – I won a hearing with photographs at the Bronx DOF/PVB hearing office…but should mention that the ALJ who heard the matter was smart enough to check the date and time of the photograph on my cell phone! Fortunately for me, it matched the time I would have had to discover the ticketed car, but if a motorist returns to the “scene of the crime” days later and snaps a false picture to beat the ticket they may lose and look really bad (in addition to being on the hook for making the false statement under oath).
Hi Jay,
Wonderful point!
Thanks for sharing your valuable experience.