Last Updated on August 15, 2021 by Lawrence Berezin

COVID-19 has a tight grip on New York City. Who could have predicted this terrifying pandemic and who knows when it will release us?
Here are more resources for the challenging times we live in.
Be safe.
Covid-19 Resources
The How Can We Help You? Page of the NYC Website.
Alternate Side Parking Status
Trash Collections Status
Schools Closings Status
Other Covid 19 Resources
- COVID-19 Resources and Support
- Get Food NYC Food Delivery
- Get Cool Air Conditioner Program
- COVID-19 Health and Safety
- COVID-19 and City Life
- Find a Doctor
- Social Distancing Complaint
- Face Covering Violation
- Alternate Side Parking and Street Cleaning
- Noise from Neighbor
- Unemployment Insurance
- SNAP (Food Stamps)
- Home-Delivered Meals for Seniors
- Overcharge
- Paid Safe and Sick Leave
The COVID-19 Resources and Support Page of the NYC Website

The COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions Page of the DOF Website

If you have received a parking ticket because you are not allowed to move your vehicle and were not able to comply with the alternate side of the street regulations, you may submit a medical defense via an online hearing if you include medical documentation as part of your evidence. Visit the following links to learn how to request a hearing:
Covid-19 FAQ 6
Effective March 17, 2020, we will not be booting or towing vehicles until further notice. If your vehicle was booted or towed prior to March 17, please call (646) 517-1000 to make your payment.
DOF offers customers the ability to pay or dispute their parking tickets online without having to leave their homes. To ensure that you do not accrue penalties, please pay your parking ticket or request a hearing online. To pay your ticket online, visit Visit the following links to learn how to request a hearing:
You also may use the Department of Finance’s Pay or Dispute mobile app to either pay or dispute your parking ticket electronically. The app is available from the Apple Store.
The Dispute a Ticket Page of the DOF Website
As you probably know by now:
-School is closed for the rest of the academic year
-ASP Parking Rules have resumed temporarily
Stay strong. Be safe.
deBlasio has indicated that the city might reduce ASP rules once the stay at home directive (of doubtful legal authority) is lifted. Maybe, but how will the city make up all the lost ASP revenue??
‘De Blasio said he would consider changes to alternate side parking once the stay-in-place lifted, but warned New York City would not be returning to its normal pace, “for quite a while.’
Hi Dan,
Good afternoon.
I love your enlightening comments. Thank you.
There is no shot on G-d’s little acre that deBlasio will get away with unilaterally reducing ASP rules beyond the COVID-19 consequences.
Thanks again, Dan.
I think he can change ASP rules on his own by simply directing the NYCDOT & DSNY commissioners to make the changes.