Last Updated on August 19, 2021 by Lawrence Berezin
How well do you know the stats and facts about NYC parking tickets?
I stumbled on a fascinating report about NYC parking ticket trends. Meanwhile, the authors were from the Department of Statistics of George Washington University. To clarify, the study was confined to data from March 2010.
NYC parking ticket history quiz
- True or False? In short, the Evil Empire issued 10M tickets, and likewise, drivers contested 1.2M tickets.
- True or False? The fine reduction settlement program no longer exists today (It was instituted in 2005).
- True or False? Manhattan accounted for almost one-half of all parking tickets issued in New York City.
- True of False? Brooklyn accounted for the least amount of parking tickets issued in New York City
- True or False? In the same vein, more parking tickets were issued on weekdays than weekends
- True or False? Parking violations involving commercial vehicles happen mostly in Queens
- True or False? Warriors rarely issue street cleaning violations in Staten Island
- True or False? The most common violation issued in Staten Island is missing inspection sticker
- True or False? Parking Ticket Warriors issued 55% of all tickets to vehicles that received more than two tickets that month in March 2010
- True or False? The highest count of parking tickets for one vehicle was 2,224 (Yikes!)
- True or False? Warriors issued more ticket to passenger vehicles than commercial vehicles
Please click this link to view the answers (no email required)
In conclusion, there are many more fascinating facts, charts, and cluster diagrams to help you understand the information contained in the study. Most importantly, If you wish to check out the full report, simply click on the pretty red button below for the PDF (no email address necessary).
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