Last Updated on July 8, 2021 by Lawrence Berezin
Some rapid-fire, gold nuggets of NYC parking ticket tips
Life in NYC is fast, and not for the faint-of- heart. Have you ever heard of “speed dating?” Well, NYC is like speed living. So, with that in mind, I thought I would fire off some parking ticket tips that will help you avoid and/or defeat NYC parking tickets. Buckle up…
15 gold nuggets of parking ticket information:
- All of NYC is a tow away zone. No notice required
- You can ask a tow truck operator to un-hook your chariot, but you must pay a “release fee.”
- Parking ticket penalties add on the day’s number 31 ($10), 45 ($20), and 75 ($30)
- You can stop temporarily to drop off or pick up passengers (only) in a no standing zone
- You can stop temporarily to drop off or pick up passengers and property in a no parking zone
- An NYC bus stop begins at the bus stop sign and extends in the direction of the arrow(s) until the next parking sign or the end of the block
- You can park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant if a licensed driver remains seated behind the wheel with the keys in the ignition ready to move a car upon request to do so between sunrise and sunset. This rule only applies to passenger vehicles (not commercial vehicles)
- If you see a yellow painted curb in NYC ignore it because it only means someone spilled a yellow can of paint.
- A passenger vehicle can never double park in NYC (majority view)
- A passenger vehicle can double park in NYC to drop off and pick up passengers (minority view, supported by the Adjudication Unit of the NYC Parking Violations Bureau, and Larry (that’s me)
- There is a 5 minute grace period tacked on to the beginning of street cleaning. For example, if alternate side parking rules are in effect from 9 am to 10:30 am, a parking ticket warrior cannot issue a parking ticket until 9:06 am
- There is a 5-minute grace period tacked on to a rule change on a parking sign. For example, if a No Standing restriction begins at 10 am and extends until 4 pm, a parking ticket warrior cannot issue a parking ticket until 10:06 am.
- There is a 5-minute grace period tacked on to the end of your muni- meter time to allow you to move your chariot. For example, if you pay for 1 hour of parking time between 9 am and 10 am, a parking ticket warrior cannot issue a parking ticket until 10:06 am.
- There is a 5-minute grace period tacked on to the beginning of your muni- meter time to permit you to walk to and fro a parking meter and place the paid receipt on your dashboard. For example, if you pay for 1 hour of parking time between 9 am and 10 am, a parking ticket warrior cannot issue a parking ticket until 9:06 am.
- In addition, a warrior is empowered to cancel a failure to display a muni- meter parking violation upon presentation of a paid muni- meter receipt within this 5-minute grace period, if you can find the warrior
- When you right- FIGHT! But to defeat the evil, orange, epistle, you must present the proper proof, properly
Whew…I’m out of breath. I better go lie down.
Knowledge is power.
Park safely.
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