Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by Lawrence Berezin

Are there differences between NYC parking rules for holidays and Sundays?
It will cost you a bunch of money if you don’t know the difference between NYC parking rules for holidays and Sundays.
For example, were you among the furious members of the driving public who got an NYC parking ticket on Martin Luther King’s Birthday? I’m afraid MLK’s birthday is a legal parking holiday but not a major legal parking holiday in NYC.
How about New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day?
Larry’s 2023-2024 New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve Alerts
New Year’s Day falls on Monday, January 1, 2024. Likewise, New Year’s Day is a major legal parking holiday.
(1) Stopping, standing, and parking is permitted except in areas where stopping, standing, and parking rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”).
(2) Accordingly, parking meters will not be in effect on major legal holidays.
(3) Further, ASP Rules are suspended.
However, New Year’s Eve falls on Sunday, December 31, 2023. Although New Year’s Eve is not an official parking holiday, Sunday rules are in effect.
Therefore, on Sundays:
(1) Stopping, standing, and parking is permitted except in areas where stopping, standing, and parking rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”).
(2) Accordingly, parking meters will not be in effect on major legal holidays.
(3) Further, ASP Rules are suspended.
Don’t forget Christmas
Larry’s 2023 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Alerts
Christmas Day falls on Monday, December 25, 2023. Likewise, Christmas Day is a major legal parking holiday..
(1) Stopping, standing, and parking is permitted except in areas where stopping, standing, and parking rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”).
(2) Accordingly, parking meters will not be in effect on major legal holidays.
(3) Further, ASP Rules are suspended.
However, Christmas Eve falls on Sunday, December 24, 2023. Although Christmas Eve is not an official parking holiday, Sunday rules are in effect.
Therefore on Sundays:
(1) Stopping, standing, and parking is permitted except in areas where stopping, standing, and parking rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”).
(2) Accordingly, parking meters will not be in effect on major legal holidays.
(3) Further, ASP Rules are suspended.
Table of Contents
- Are there differences between NYC parking rules for holidays and Sundays?
- How about New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day?
- Don’t forget Christmas
- NYC Parking rules for holidays and Sundays Chart
- Would you like the new 2024 ASP Suspension Rules Calendar now?
- FREE Download
- No More Mistakes!
- Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
- How about Columbus Day?
- And what about Veterans Day?
- What is different about July 4, 2024?
- Lincoln and Washington’s B-days are only legal parking holidays in NYC
- Memorial Day is a Major Legal Holiday.
- Can you identify the 6-Major Legal Parking Holidays?
- Let’s debunk some common holiday parking myths.
- Would you like to stay one step ahead of the Evil Empire?
- Some Helpful Hints:
- Commentary
- Related Posts
- Popular Posts
NYC Parking rules for holidays and Sundays Chart
Check out the chart
Would you like the new 2024 ASP Suspension Rules Calendar now?
What are the differences between the parking rules for Major Legal Holidays, Legal Holidays, and Sunday Parking?
On major Legal Holidays and Sundays:
- Alternate side parking rules are NOT in effect
- You do not have to feed the meters
- Stopping, standing, or parking is permitted, except in areas where stopping, standing, or parking is prohibited seven (7) days per week. For example, if a parking sign says, “No Standing Anytime,” keep driving.
On just plain Legal Holidays:
- Your only reward is alternate side parking rules are NOT in effect. You must obey all parking signs and feed the meter.
FREE Download
NYC parking rules for holidays and Sundays.
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
MLK’s birthday is only a legal parking holiday in NYC and always falls on the third Monday in January. Therefore, the actual date varies each year.
Meanwhile, be careful because a huge number of parking tickets are issued on MLK’s birthday.
How about Columbus Day?
Columbus Day is a legal parking holiday in NYC. Likewise, ASP Rules are suspended. But that’s all, folks!
And what about Veterans Day?
This year, Veterans Day falls on Friday, November 11, 2022. However, it is only a legal parking holiday. Likewise, ASP rules are suspended. But that’s all, folks.
What is different about July 4, 2024?
This year July 4 falls on a Thursday. Will your “boss” give you Friday off to celebrate a long holiday weekend?
Lincoln and Washington’s B-days are only legal parking holidays in NYC
You can thank our former Presidents, Washington, and Lincoln, for “freedom of sleep” on the following legal parking holidays in 2024:
- Monday, February 12, 2024 (Lincoln’s Birthday observed).
- Monday, February 19, 2024 (Washington’s Birthday/President’s Day).
Do you think these fantastic Presidents knew that alternate-side parking rules would be suspended in honor of their birthdays? No. But thank you anyway, Mr. Presidents!
The only benefit for NYC drivers is ASP Rules are suspended. You still have to pay the parking meters and obey all parking signs.
Memorial Day is a Major Legal Holiday.
Is Memorial Day the same day every year?
The date changes every year, but there actually is a method to the madness: Memorial Day is always held on the last Monday in May. Likewise, in 2023, Memorial Day falls on Monday, May 29th.
Can you identify the 6-Major Legal Parking Holidays?
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Let’s debunk some common holiday parking myths.
- Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are not parking holidays. No benefits (UNLESS THEY FALL ON A SUNDAY, THEN SUNDAY PARKING RULES APPLY)
- Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday is only a legal parking holiday, not a major legal one.
- Black Friday is not a parking holiday in NYC.
- Good Friday is only a legal parking holiday. ASP rules suspended (that’s all, folks!)
- Major legal parking holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday are celebrated on the weekend day and observed on the closest Monday (two days of parking relief!).
- Larry’s birthday is not a parking holiday in NYC…sad but true
Would you like to stay one step ahead of the Evil Empire?
Here’s a link to the ASP Rules Suspension Calendar for 2023. Just click the pretty button below. It’s free. Likewise, no email address is required.
Some Helpful Hints:
- Regardless of the Holiday or on Sunday, you can never, ever park in a space regulated by a sign that prohibits parking at all times. Generally, this sign will be a red parking sign.
- On Sundays, you do not have to pay a muni-meter
- Please check whether a holiday is a “Major Legal Holiday” or a “Legal Holiday” before you decide which parking rules are in effect on that day. Here’s a link to the NYC DOT list of Major Legal Holidays and Legal Holidays.
- Columbus Day is a legal parking holiday.

Here’s a question for you. Would you like five parking ticket tips that will save you money? Why not? What do you have to lose (The tips are free)
[Larry’s comment: If I caused any confusion, street cleaning rules (ASP rules) are the only rules suspended on MLK’s B-day. All other parking rules that are in effect on Monday remain in effect on Monday].
Don’t get a costly parking ticket because you didn’t know the special parking rules for Sundays and Holidays.
Hi, How does ASP suspension work when I want to park my PASSENGER vehicle in a COMMERICAL spot? For example, during the recent snow blizzard day on Saturday, “ASP rules were suspended but meters were in effect”. I read a sign that states “No parking 7am – 7pm except Comm Vehicles Metered 3 Hr Parking Except Sunday”.
When “ASP rules are suspended, and meters in effect”on a Saturday, can I
1) Park my Passenger vehicle in the commercial spot at 8am?
1a) If yes to (1), must I feed the meters at the commercial rate? Note, the rules mention you can’t park when the rule says “NO {STANDING/STOPPING/PARKING]ANYTIME”; nothing is mentioned about parking in a commercial spot during ASP suspension.
2) If “ASP rules are suspended, and meters NOT in effect”, can I park my passenger vehicle in the commercial spot, and not pay the meter?
Dear Clare,
Good morning.
Excellent question because you’ve articulated a challenge faced by a multitude of drivers in NYC. Here’s the scoop:
The ubiquitous street cleaning signs serve one purpose and one purpose only. They tell us when we have to move our car because of street cleaning. That’s it. Simply because a parking space is regulated by a street cleaning sign does not mean that parking is ok all other times.
We are required to patrol the battlefield and see whether our tiny little parking space is regulated by any other parking signs, either on the same pole as the street cleaning sign or on another pole located at the other end of our chariot. For example, if a street cleaning sign prohibits parking on Tuesdays between 9-11A and you unearth another parking sign that limits parking to commercial vehicles M-F, 7A-4P, we must obey both signs! In other words, it may be ok to park On Tuesdays at 11:30A (per the street cleaning sign), but parking is still not permitted for passenger vehicles because the parking space if limited to commercial vehicles on M-F between 7A-4P.
Question #2 seems to refer to parking on Sundays or on a Major Legal Parking Holiday when you don’t have to obey rules that are NOT in effect all days/all times. You don’t have to pay the meter and yes, you can park your passenger vehicle in a space reserved for commercial vehicles on Sundays or Major Legal Parking Holidays.
The commons mistake we make is to cloth a street cleaning sign with the power to overrule other parking signs. Remember, in the valley of parking rules, the stricter rule is King.
Good luck.
Park safely,
PS…Purchasing time from an MM for an “illegal” parking space is double the pain. The cost of renting the illegal space and the cost of a parking ticket. Yikes!
So can we get out of the MLK day tickets due to this being somewhat ambiguous?
Dear Bill,
Alas, I wish it were so. Sadly, the Evil Empire doesn’t grant amnesty for ambiguity. Knowledge of a parking rule is not an element of the offense.
I would check for omitted, misdescribed, or illegible required elements. If you find one or more, you win subject to application and proof.
Good luck.
I would take it that MLK day Is not a “Major Legal Holiday” .As I just spotted a ticket on my vehicle on Park Ave & 40th St also on the vehicle behind me. I normally park in Queens & ride the subway into NYC to avoid this situation.
Dear Larry,
There is no ambiguity here, Martin Luther King is a Federal Holiday.
I don’t know what NYC considers as a “major league holiday” but as MLK fought for civil rights and is deemed worthy of a “Major League Holiday” recognition by the Federal Government which NY state is one of 50 States.
There needs to be a correction for accuracy of the qualification of a major league holiday. Or the offense will be more than a parking ticket
Hi Oxford,
I hear you loud and clear.
Thanks for sharing your comment.
On the news it was said alternate side parking are in effect but yet I received a ticket
Hi Cherrish,
Good morning.
Did you check the official ASP Suspension Calendar to see who was right?
Here’s a linkASP Suspension Calendar
I just got a ticket for parking in a taxi rest spot no sign two card behind me almost to curb and all cars after me.. Its Sunday I was told by hotel that it was safe to park. No one got a ticket except me. I have a NJ license plate. My brother is staying at hotel saw them toe a NJ car yesterday but it was nearer top of street. They were the only NJ plate too. It does not say anything about taxi rest.
Hi, June,
Good morning.
Sorry for your parking pain.
If there aren’t any taxi stand signs regulating your parking space, I would fight the ticket.
But, if possible, you should check the location on the NYC DOT Parking Regulations Map (There is a link to the Map from my website on the resources page).
Simply plug in the place of occurrence entered on the ticket and the borough.
Good luck.
I received a ticket today, the sign says No parking 8am-6pm mon-fri so I’m aware but my car was parked the entire morning along with other vehicles as well and on the 311 app, it states that alternate side parking is suspended. My ticket was written around 2pm so am I wrong or did the traffic officer forget it’s a holiday and make a mistake ?
Hi, Ben,
Generally, a parking sign that restricts parking between 8 am-6 pm is not an alternate side parking rule. It’s a no-parking rule.
A no-parking rule from 8 am -6 pm is suspended on a Major Legal Parking Holiday in NYC, but not on a legal parking holiday.
Good luck.
You’re wrong about MLK ASP rules. Please double check and correct yourself on future notices. I’ve confirmed my statement with NYC DOT announcements and other reputable sources. Thank you.
Hi, Dustin,
MLK’s Birthday is a legal parking holiday in NYC. The only benefit for drivers is that ASP rules are suspended.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
4 alternate parking a sign says no parking on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays can I park there on a major legal holiday
My wife and I, my dog and cat are moving to Seattle.
I won’t be able to reply to comments until after October 1, 2020.
On days when you don’t have to feed the muni-meter, does that apply to muni parking lots?
Hi Roy,
Good afternoon.
What a great question!
A muni-meter that collects money for the Evil Empire, even if it lives in a muni-parking lot, don’t eat when its curbside cousins don’t eat.
The suspension rule applies to muni-parking lots.
Be safe.
Happy Holidays Larry. Question for you; received a ticket for 4-08(c)(3) “No standing bus stop. Days/Hrs: All days/all times”
This incident occurred on a Sunday and NO signage in this block says anything about Sunday. Bus Lane sign says M-F 7A-10A & 2P-7P and only other signs on block say:
-No Standing M-F 7A-10A & 2P-7P
-3 HR Metered Parking Commercial Vehicles Only M-F 10A-2P
-2 HR Metered Parking Saturday 9A-7P
Disputed ticket online, ruled me guilty stating: Pursuant to Traffic Rule 4-08(a)(1)(I), “one authorized regulatory sign anywhere on a block, which is the area of sidewalk between one intersection and the next, shall be sufficient notice of the restriction(s) in effect on that block.” The photos show a bus stop sign, which indicates the start of the “No Standing – bus stop” zone. Upon review of NYC DOT Sign records, the “No Standing bus stop” sign cited on the summons is correctly stated and was posted at the cited location. Summons is sustained. Guilty.
So they referred to a different rule than I was ticketed and both are still not addressing the fact this was on Sunday and signs say nothing prohibiting me from parking there on Sunday. Thoughts on how to state my written appeal when requesting an in person appeal?
Hi Ryan,
Good evening.
Happy holiday to you, too!
-A driver is never permitted to park in a bus stop zone, even on Sundays, legal holidays, or major legal holidays.
A bus stop regulates the curb space from a bus stop sign, in the direction of the arrow(s) until the next parking sign, or if none, the end of the block.
-There doesn’t have to be any signage on the block that restricts or permits parking on Sundays. The Sunday parking rule allows us to disobey a parking rule, as long as the parking rule is not in effect “all days.” Like a bus stop rule. Or, a sign specifically allows parking on Sundays.
Judges will refer to R. 4-08(a)(1)(i) when they think a driver claimed that there wasn’t a bus stop sign on the block. So, in your case, a judge may have thought you were claiming there was no bus stop sign on the block. He or she checked and found there was a bus stop sign on the block. The judges will add weight to their skinny opinion by citing that rule to say there only has to be one sign, anywhere on the entire block, and a driver has to find it.
In other words, a bus stop sign does not have to state that the bus stop rule is in effect on Sundays. If no specific days or times are displayed, the rule is in effect all days and all times (even Sundays).
Sorry for the not helpful news.
Be safe.
Happy holidays, Larry!
Thanks for many helpful comments.
One question for you.
I just parked on two signs saying
“NO Standing 4pm – 7pm EXCEPT SUNDAY”
“NO PARKING 7am – 7pm
and 2021 ASP major holidays include 12/24/21 Friday and 12/25/21 Saturday.
So can I continue to park here without a chance of getting a ticket, right?
Or this sign does not benefit from major holiday ASP suspension?
Hi Patrick,
Good evening.
Nicely done!
Friday and Saturday are both major legal parking holidays in celebration of Christmas Day falling on a Saturday. ASP rules are suspended. You don’t have to pay for the muni-meter. And, you don’t have to obey parking signs, unless the rule on the sign is in effect all days.
Happy Holiday.
i have a sign “no parking monday-friday 8am-6pm” does that count as legal holidays that i can park there on legal holiday and major holidays?
Hi Alice,
Good afternoon.
The benefits bestowed by the Evil Empire vary depending on the type of parking holiday:
-Legal Holiday (for example, MLK Day)_ASP Rules are suspended. But, that’s all. You must obey parking signs.
-Major Legal Holiday (for example, Christmas)_The Full Monty. 1) ASP Rules are suspended 2) You don’t have to feed the parking meters 3) You don’t have to obey parking signs unless the rule is in effect all days or anytime.
Be safe.
Sign reads: “No parking 7AM to 10AM, Monday through Friday”
Can I park in this zone on Memorial Day, a Monday and a Holiday?
Hi Jim,
Monday, today, is a major legal parking holiday in NYC. This means:
-ASP rules are suspended
-You don’t have to pay for parking
-You don’t have to obey parking signs, UNLESS, they are in effect all days.
Lawrence Berezin,
I am a NYC Poll Worker who has received several tickets over the years that I have been serving the voters. The latest was 6/23/22. Can we get stickers for our cars so that we don’t have to move them during the 9 days of Early Voting and Election Day. We have grueling schedules that often does not leave time for reparking the car if there is a space available. Traveling by car would also bypass the fear of early morning/late night commuting in dangerous neighborhoods. Poll Workers pay is not much for the service and to remove the cost of parking tickets would be a small accommodation.
Hi Julienne,
Good afternoon.
I am sorry to learn about your parking pain. Indeed, you deserve a major thank you for your service, especially during these troubling times.
I wish I had the power to grant your reasonable wish, but sadly, I don’t. Have you contacted the DOF or your councilperson?
Please keep us posted.
Good luck.
I too got tripped up on this week’s MLK day. I parked in a ‘Truck Loading Lone, Mon-Fri” and not only got a ticket but also got a BOOT.
My question is – what are the rules/laws governing boots please? There was no signage indicating tow-away, and I was told that there was NO way to pay via phone or online, only in-person in Brooklyn.
When I went on to research, the only instances where boots are warranted are for unpaid parking tickets, and there IS an online payment option.
Why was my situation different? Was it even legal? And why is there no way to find proof of the legality anywhere on any NYC official website?
Thank you.
Hi Marty,
Good afternoon.
I despise booting and towing for dollars. Moreover, it is an ugly way to raise revenue for the Evil Empire.
But, with that said, in the 1950s, all of NYC was declared a tow-away zone by the NY State Legislature. And no notice was required.
Currently, the Evil Empire has added booting to its arsenal of weapons against illegal parking. In other words:
-Your car can be immobilized (booted)
-For a parking violation
Here’s the NYC Traffic Rule, 4-08(a)(9)
(9) Immobilization and towing of illegally parked vehicles.
(i) Time and manner of immobilization. Any illegally parked vehicle found parked at any
time upon any public highway in the City may, by or under the direction of any person
authorized by the Commissioner, be immobilized in such manner as to prevent its operation, and thereafter may be removed to a tow pound as provided in these rules; provided, however, that no such vehicle shall be immobilized by any means other than by the use of a device or other mechanism which will cause no damage to such vehicle unless such vehicle is moved while such device or mechanism is in place.
(ii) Notice. Notice of immobilization pursuant to this paragraph shall be placed in a
conspicuous place on the vehicle. Such notice shall contain the following:
(A) a warning that any attempt to move the vehicle may result in damage to the vehicle;
(B) the time, place and manner in which the vehicle may be redeemed.
Please don’t shoot the messenger, Marty.